Greeting for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 14 - 15 Aug 21
Greeting for The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community NO Second Collection. This weekend we celebrate the 20 th Sunday in Ordinary Time and The
Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 43 to 45. Due to the increase of COVID Delta Variant cases, masks in the church are strongly recommended but are not mandatory at this time. We continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. 1. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. 2. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. 3. Remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. 4. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward.Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 14 - 15 August 21 Announcements for The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary USHERS: No Second Collection. As our area continues to see an increase in COVID Delta virus cases, masks in Church are now strongly recommended, but not mandatory at this time. Additionally, our Parish Office will remain closed to the general public for now and masks inside the office are mandatory. Please call the office with your questions or needs and we will return your call as soon as possible. Those who cannot attend Mass because of age (65 years and older) or disability will continue to be excused and encouraged to make Sundays Holy and to watch the Mass on EWTN. Blessed Sacrament is offering English and Spanish Baptism Classes on Monday, August 23rd at 6:00 pm at the Parish Office. If you’re interested in attending you may walk into the class or call Elaine Ashfield at the Parish Office to reserve your seat at 760-367-3343. The Maintenance Ministry can use your support. If you enjoy landscaping, groundskeeping and so forth, please prayerfully consider volunteering to this Ministry. If you’re interested please contact George Collard at 760-985-5607. Blessed Sacrament Bulletins are back! Information regarding upcoming Ministry Classes can be found in this week’s Bulletin. Our Ushers have them at the back of the Church and you may pick one up after Mass. On Tuesday, August 17 th there will be a viewing, Rosary, and eulogy at Wieffels in Yucca Valley from 5:00 PM to 8: 00 PM for Maggie Jones. On Wednesday, August 18 th there will be an additional viewing here in the Church for Maggie Jones between 9:00 AM and 10:45 AM, with the Rosary between 10:15 AM and 10:45 AM. Jane Smith’s family is requesting that Jane’s funeral Mass be private for family and close friends only. Blessed Sacrament will schedule a memorial Mass at a later date for ur Parishioners. Remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you from the back to the front at the end of Mass. Those of you who would like to help us sanitize after Mass, please see one of the Ushers. All of these Announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament website, on the door of the Church office, and on our bulletin board on the patio.
Mass Intentions for the Assumption of our Blessed Virgin Mary, 14 - 15 August 2021 Mass Intentions for The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. 4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger, Paula Candelaria, Jane Smith and Maggie Jones. We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Betty Kocher. We Pray for the people and the children of Nigeria. 8:00 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Bo Bowden, Paula Candelaria, Jane Smith, and Maggie Jones We Pray for Healing for: Mary Nishioka We Pray for the Candelaria Family.
We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Lilly Candelaria. We Pray for the people and the children of Nigeria. 10:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Paula Candelaria, Jane Smith, and Maggie Jones.
We Pray for the peace and comfort for the Baillie Family. We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Leanne Duncan. e Pray for the people and the children of Nigeria.
Greeting for the 22nd Sunday in ordinary Times. 28 - 29 Aug 2021
Greeting for the 22 nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community No Second Collection. This weekend we celebrate the 22 nd Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 48 to 50. Due to the increase of COVID Delta Variant cases, masks in the church are strongly recommended but are not mandatory at this time. We continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. Remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Times. 28 - 29 August 21 Greeting for the 22 nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community No Second Collection. This weekend we celebrate the 22 nd Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 48 to 50. Due to the increase of COVID Delta Variant cases, masks in the church are strongly recommended but are not mandatory at this time. We continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. Remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Mass Intentions for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Times. 28 - 29 August 21 Mass Intentions for The 22 nd Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. 4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman and SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger We Pray for Healing for Donna Lasiter We Pray for the Heavenly Birthday of Tito Candelaria Sr. We Pray for the people and the children of Nigeria We Pray for the wounded and fallen victims of the explosion in Afghanistan on August 26th. 8:00 We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Tony Benevente We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka We Pray for the Peace and Comfort of the Candelaria Family We Pray for the people and the children of Nigeria We Pray for the wounded and fallen victims of the explosion in Afghanistan on August 26th. 10:30 We Pray for the Peace and Comfort of the Baillie Family We Pray for the people and the children of Nigeria We Pray for the wounded and fallen victims of the explosion in Afghanistan on August 26th FOR ALL THE INTENTIONS THAT WE HOLD IN THE SILENCE OF OUR HEARTS (15 SECONDS). LET US PRAY TO THE LORD.
Greeting for the 18 th Sunday in
Ordinary Time , 1 August 21. Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed
Sacrament Catholic Community No Second Collection. This weekend we celebrate the 18 th Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 37 to 39.
Due to the increase of COVID Delta Variant cases, masks in the church are strongly recommended but are not mandatory at this time. We continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. 1. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. 2. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. 3. Remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. 4. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front.
Announcements for the 18 th Sunday in Ordinary Time
USHERS: No Second Collection. As mentioned in the Greeting, due to the spike in COVID Delta virus cases, masks in Church are now strongly recommended, but not mandatory at this time. Our Parish Office will remain closed to the general public effective immediately. Masks inside the office are mandatory. Please call the office with your questions or needs and we will return your callas soon as possible. Those who cannot attend Mass because of age (65 years and older) or disability will continue to be excused and encouraged to make Sundays Holy and to watch the Mass on EWTN. Jane Smith’s Funeral will be on Saturday, August 21 st at 11:00 AM with a Rosary preceding the Mass at 10:00 AM. Remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you from the back to the front at the end of Mass. Those of you who would like to help us sanitize after Mass, please see one of the Ushers. All of these Announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament website, on the door of the Church office, and on our bulletin board on the patio. Mass Intentions for the 18 th Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. 4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger, and Jane Smith We Pray for Healing for: George Collard 8:00 We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of: Jane Smith We Pray for Healing for: Kimmy Andreshak, George Collard, and Mary Nishioka 10:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Frances and Robert Dehner and Jane Smith We Pray for healing for: George Collard
Greeting for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 24 July 21
Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community
No Second Collection.
This weekend we celebrate the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time and the First World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 35 to 37. We continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized.
You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. Remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time. USHERS: No Second Collection. We are still interested in more applicants for our Secretarial position. The job listing is still posted on the Diocesan website under the Employment link. Meanwhile, volunteers will be in the office from 9:00AM-1:00PM Monday through Friday during the months of July and August to answer phone calls and questions. Our Re-opening Guidelines are still available on our Blessed Sacrament website. Those who cannot attend Mass because of age (65 years and older) or disability will continue to be excused and encouraged to make Sundays Holy and to watch the Mass on EWTN. Father Eliseus is seeking younger Maintenance volunteers. Anyone with any skills would be very welcome to support those who have been doing maintenance work for many years. Sharon O’Neil’s Funeral will be on Wednesday, July 28nd at 11:00 AM with a Rosary preceding the Mass at 10:00 AM. Remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you from the back to the front at the end of Mass. Those of you who would like to help us sanitize after Mass, please see one of the Ushers. All of these Announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament website, on the door of the Church office and in our bulletin board on the patio. Mass Intentions for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time fety of our service men & women abroad, for our Police Men & Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. 4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger and Sharon O’Neil for Healing for: George Collard 8:00 We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of: Sharon O’Neil or Healing for: George Collard and Mary Nishioka 10:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of: Sharon O’Neil We Pray for healing for: George Collard and Donna Lasiter
Greeting for the 15 th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community No Second Collection This weekend we celebrate the 15 th Sunday in Ordinary
Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 31-33. We are continuing to offer Music Books to follow along & sing. Please put your name on both the Missal & Music books and take them back & forth to Mass with you. If you don’t have a Missal and/or Music book, but would like to have one, please see an Usher at the end of Mass. We continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Our Father’s Day Intentions will remain on the Altar through this weekend. Remember that children must still continue to be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. 1. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. 2. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. 3. Remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. 4. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. ANNOCEMENTS FOR THE 15TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMES, 10 - 11 JULY, 21
Announcements for the 15 th Sunday in Ordinary Time. WELCOME BACK TO THOSE WHO ARE JUST RETURNING SINCE BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF COVID-19!!! USHERS: No Second Collection We are still interested in more applicants for our Secretarial position. The job listing is still posted on the Diocesan website under the Employment link. In the meantime, volunteers will be in the office from 9:00AM-1:00PM Monday through Friday during the months of July & August to answer phone calls & questions. Our Re-opening Guidelines are still available on our Blessed Sacrament website. Those who cannot attend Mass because of age (65 years and older) or disability will continue to be excused and encouraged to make Sundays
Holy and to watch the Mass on EWTN. Our bulletins will return the weekend of July 31 st / August 1 st . Father Eliseus is still looking for younger Maintenance volunteers such as Plumbers, Electricians, Woodworking, Painting, Landscaping, etc. Anyone with any of those skills and/or others would be very welcome to replace those who have been doing this kind of work for many years. We are very happy to tell you that we have one new younger volunteer to help with Maintenance. Thank you so very much to Sergio Regland. Of course, we can still use a few more younger volunteers. Hopefully, you’ve noticed our beautiful bulletin board on the patio thanks to our new volunteer Beth Regland. Inez Ogaldez’s Memorial Service will be on July 22 nd at 11:00 AM with a Rosary preceding the Mass at 10:00. Remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you from the back to the front at the end of Mass. Those of you who would like to help us sanitize after Mass, please see one of the Ushers.
MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE 15TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, 10 -11 JULY 21 Mass Intentions for the 15 th Sunday in Ordinary Time. For the safety of our service men & women abroad, for our Police Men & Women who protect us, for all First Responders &/Firemen and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. 4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. & Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann & Linda Kirschinger and Inez Ogaldez We Pray for the Living & Deceased Father’s Day Intentions We Pray for Healing for George Collard 8:00 We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of: Inez Ogaldez We Pray for Healing for George Collard We Pray for the Living & Deceased Father’s Day Intentions 10:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Robert & Frances Dehner & Inez Ogaldez, We Pray for healing for George Collard & Donna Lasiter We Pray for the Living & Deceased Father’s Day Intentions
Greeting for the 16 th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament
Catholic Community Second Collection for DDF. This weekend we celebrate the 16 th Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 33-35. We continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Remember that children must still continue to be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. 1. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. 2. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. 3. Remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. 4. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front.
Announcements for the 16 th Sunday in Ordinary Time USHERS: Second Collection We are still interested in more applicants for our Secretarial position. The job listing is still posted on the Diocesan website under the Employment link. In the meantime, volunteers will be in the office from 9:00AM-1:00PM Monday through Friday during the months of July & August to answer phone calls & questions.Our Re-opening Guidelines are still available on our Blessed Sacrament website. Those who cannot attend Mass because of age (65 years and older) or disability will continue to be excused and encouraged to make Sundays Holy and to watch the Mass on EWTN. As we have mentioned, Father Eliseus is still looking for younger Maintenance volunteers. Anyone with any skills would be very welcome to replace those who have been doing maintenance work for many years. We are very happy to tell you that we have one new younger volunteer to help with Maintenance, Sergio Regland. Of course, we can still use a few more younger volunteers. Inez Ogaldez’s Memorial Service will be on July 22 nd at 11:00 AM with a Rosary preceding the Mass at 10:00. Remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you from the back to the front at the end of Mass. Those of you who would like to help us sanitize after Mass, please see one of the Ushers.
Mass Intentions for the 16 th Sunday in Ordinary Time , For the safety of our service men & women abroad, for our Police Men & Women who protect us, for all First Responders & Firemen and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. 4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. & Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann & Linda Kirschinger & Sharon O’Neil We Pray for Healing for George Collard 8:00 We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of: Sharon O’Neil, We Pray for Healing for George Collard & Eugenio Molina 10:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of: Sharon O’Neil We Pray for healing for George Collard & Donna Lasiter
Greeting for the 14 th Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community HAPPY 4 TH OF JULY!! Second Collection for Maintenance & Education This weekend we celebrate the 14 th Sunday in Ordinary Time. This is also the First Full Weekend of the month of July and Father will be blessing those of us with Birthdays & Anniversaries during July.
If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 29-31. As you saw when you arrived, you were offered a Music Book to follow along & sing. Please put your name on both the Missal & Music books and take them back & forth to Mass with you. If you don’t have a Missal and would like to have one, please see an Usher at the end of Mass. We continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. ur Father’s Day Intentions are on the Altar at all three Masses this weekend. Remember that children must still continue to be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. The Directives for Social Distance remain the same distance of 3ft. and the use of Hand Sanitizer before receiving Holy Communion remain in place. Vaccinated people are no longer required to wear a mask, but it is suggested that those who are not vaccinated do wear a mask. We are on the honor system. 1. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. 2. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. 3. Remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. 4. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. ANNOCEMENTS FOR THE 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMES, 03 - 04 JULY, 21 Announcements for the 14 th Sunday in Ordinary Time WELCOME BACK TO THOSE WHO ARE JUST RETURNING SINCE BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF COVID-19!!! USHERS: Second Collection We are still in search of a Secretary. Amy has finally accepted a job offer in DC and her last day here will be July 9th. We wish her well and much success at her new job. But, while she is still here, we hope someone will step up and apply. This will allow Amy to help in the interview process. The job listing is still posted on the Diocesan website under the Employment link. Feel free to also call the office at 760-367-3343 and speak with Amy if you have questions regarding the job description. Reopening Guidelines: Vaccinated people are no longer required to wear a mask, but it is suggested that those who are not vaccinated do wear a mask. We are on the honor system. We no longer have a seating capacity, but we encourage a 3ft. distance. Singing by the Assembly is permitted. Confession will remain in the Hospitality room. Sanitizing after Mass will continue. Those who cannot attend Mass because of age (65 years and older) or disability will continue to be excused and encouraged to make Sundays Holy and are encouraged to watch the Mass on EWTN. Elaine Ashfield is planning a Baptism Class on July 6th @ 6:00PM at the Parish Office. If you are interested, please call the office at 760-367- 3343. Some of you may have noticed the flowers around the Blessed Mother on the patio. This little area is being dedicated to Tom McBride and we’re calling it Tom’s Garden. The Parish Office Summer Hours for July & August will be 9:00A.M. to 1:00P.M. beginning this Tuesday, July 6 th . Our bulletins will return the weekend of July 31 st / August 1 st . Father Eliseus is looking for younger Maintenance volunteers such as Plumbers, Electricians, Woodworking, Painting, Landscaping, etc. Anyone with any of those skills and/or others would be very welcome to replace those who have been doing this kind of work for many years. Remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you from the back to the front at the end of Mass. Those of you who would like to help us sanitize after Mass, please see one of the Ushers. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, 03 - 04 JULY 21 Mass Intentions for the 14 th Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety of our service men & women abroad, for our Police Men & Women who protect us, for all First Responders & Firemen and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. 4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. & Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann & Linda Kirschinger & Tom McBride 8:00 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Tony Benevente & Living Members of the Altar Society 10:30 We Pray for Healing for Donna Lasiter We Pray for Recovery for Marco Delacruz
Greeting for the 21st Sunday in ordinary Times. 21 - 22 Aug 2021
Greeting for the 21 st Sunday in Ordinary Time. Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed
Sacrament Catholic Community Second Collection for DDF. This weekend we celebrate the 21 st Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 46 to 48. Due to the increase of COVID Delta Variant cases, masks in the church are strongly recommended but are not mandatory at this time. We continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. Remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Times. 21 - 22 August 21 Announcements for The 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time. USHERS: Second Collection for DDF. As our area continues to see an increase in COVID Delta virus cases, masks in Church are now strongly recommended, but not mandatory at this time. Additionally, our Parish Office will remain closed to the general public for now and masks inside the office are mandatory. Please call the office with your questions or needs and we will return your call as soon as possible. Those who cannot attend Mass because of age (65 years and older) or disability will continue to be excused and encouraged to make Sundays Holy and to watch the Mass on EWTN. Blessed Sacrament is offering English and Spanish Baptism Classes this Monday, August 23rd at 6:00 pm at the Parish Office. If you’re interested in attending you may walk into the class or call Elaine Ashfield at the Parish Office to reserve your seat at 760-367-3343. Our Blessed Sacrament Bulletins have additional information regarding upcoming Ministry Classes. If you would like a Bulletin, please see an Usher at the back of the Church, after Mass. Remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you from the back to the front at the end of Mass. Those of you who would like to help us sanitize after Mass, please see one of the Ushers. All of these Announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament website, on the door of the Church office, and on our bulletin board on the patio. Mass Intentions for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Times. 21 - 22 August 21 Mass Intentions for The 21 st Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, for the strength and resilience of our President, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. 4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman and SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger We Pray for Healing for Pauline Phillips. We Pray for the people and the children of Nigeria. 8:00 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Tim Smith and Lew Witaker We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka We Pray for the Peace and Comfort of the Candelaria Family. We Pray for the people and the children of Nigeria. 10:30 We Pray for the Peace and Comfort of the Baillie Family. We Pray for the people and the children of Nigeria.
Greeting for the 24th Sunday in ordinary Times. 11 - 12 Sept 2021
Greeting for the 24 th Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed
Sacrament Catholic Community No Second Collection. This weekend we celebrate the 24 th Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 52 to 54. Though it is not mandatory at this time, we continue to highly recommend wearing masks in Church. We continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. Remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Times. 11 - 12 September 21 Announcements for The 24 th Sunday in Ordinary Time. USHERS: No Second Collection. Father Eliseus will be away for the annual Priests Convocation from Tuesday, September 14 th to Friday, September 17 th . As such, there will not be any daily Mass on those days. Weekly, on Wednesdays, at 6:00 PM, we are asking that as many people as possible join us at the Church to pray a Rosary together for the intercession of Our Blessed Mother. Our country and certainly those in Afghanistan need the help of our Blessed Mother. History has shown us how powerful the intercession of Our Blessed Mother is. Trail Life USA has its kick-off event on September 12 th at 3:00 PM in the school Courtyard. All boys and their parents are welcome. The troop is open for boys in Kindergarten through 12 th grade. Immediately following our announcements we will hear from Mike Schmitt, who will speak to us regarding Trail Life. RCIA classes will begin on Monday, September 13 th . Faith Formation, for students Kindergarten through Confirmation classes, will begin Sunday, October 3 rd . Registration for students will continue after all Masses until September 19th, after that you may register by calling or visiting the office during the week. Please remember that we still have Scrip gift cards for sale at the Parish Office. We have over a dozen different vendors to choose from such as Staters, Walmart, Amazon, and gas cards. This is another way to help support your Parish because, for each card you purchase, the church receives a percentage from that sale. If you have questions, you can call the Parish Office at 760-367-3343. Thank you for supporting Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. Next weekend September 18 & 19 the second collection will be for the Fall Combined Collection as a result the weekend of September 25 & 26 second collection will be for DDF. This change is due to the Fall Combined Collection “Falling” on the same weekend as DDF. The Ushers will dismiss you from the back to the front at the end of Mass. Those of you who would like to help us sanitize after Mass, please see one of the Ushers. All of these Announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament website, on the door of the Church office, and on our bulletin board on the patio. All Masses: Please welcome Mike Schmitt. Grandparents Day Blessings Mass Intentions for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Times. 11 - 12 Sept 21 Mass Intentions for The 24 th Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. 4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger and Robert and Frances Dehner We Pray for all the souls of the faithful departed on 09/11. 8:00 We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Maggie Jones. We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka We Pray for all the souls of the faithful departed on 09/11. 10:30 We Pray for all the souls of the faithful departed on 09/11. We Pray for our Bishops and Priests now, and during the week of September 13th, for their Convocation despite many difficult months during the p
Greeting for the 26 th Sunday in Ordinary Time 25 - 26 Sept 2021
Greeting for the 26 th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community.
This weekend we celebrate the 26 th Sunday in Ordinary Time and Priesthood Sunday with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 56 to 58. At the end of Mass, we will offer a special Blessing for Father Eliseus. This weekend our second collection is for DDF. Though it is not mandatory at this time, we continue to highly recommend wearing masks in Church. And we continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for The 26 th Sunday in Ordinary Time The ushers may come forward for the second collection. Weekly, on Wednesdays, at 6:00 PM, we invite you to join us at the Church to pray a Rosary together for the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother. We want to thank those of you who have joined us, and we encourage you to continue to join us each week. Our country and certainly those in Afghanistan need the help of our Blessed Mother. History has shown us how powerful the intercession of Our Blessed Mother is. On Friday, October 1 st First Friday Mass will be given at 9:00 AM. Faith Formation for students Kindergarten through Confirmation classes will begin on Sunday, October 3 rd at 9:15 AM. If students register on the morning of October 3 rd , they will be given a packet to take home and may join the class on the following Sunday. This is to ensure adequate time for the instructors to prepare the course materials for each student. The Ushers will dismiss you from the back to the front at the end of Mass. Those of you who would like to help us sanitize after Mass, please see one of the Ushers. All of these Announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament website, on the door of the Church office, and on our bulletin board on the patio. We will now offer a special blessing for Father Eliseus.
Mass Intentions for The 26 th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The 26 th Sunday in Ordinary Time. For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord.
4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman and SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger, We Pray for Healing for George Collard
8:00 We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Maggie Jones We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka We Pray for Alfred Bernard
10:30 We Pray for the people and children of Afghanistan, Haiti, and Nigeria.
Greeting for the 25 th Sunday in Ordinary Time 18 - 19 Sept 2021
Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate the 25 th Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Read at 10:30 AM only: And on this Catechetical Sunday, Father will Bless our Catechists. f you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 54 to 56. The second collection, this weekend, is for our Fall Combined Collection benefitting four worthy ministries.Though it is not mandatory at this time, we continue to highly recommend wearing masks in Church. And we continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for The 25 th Sunday in Ordinary Time The ushers may come forward for the second collection. This weekend our second collection is for our Fall Combined Collection benefitting four worthy ministries. ● A Church Among Black & Native America ● A Church in Latin America ● A Church in Africa ● Catholic Home Missions We will continue with a collection for DDF next week. Weekly, on Wednesdays, at 6:00 PM, we invite you to join us at the Church to pray a Rosary together for the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother. We want to thank those of you who have joined us, and we look forward to seeing many more of you. Our country and certainly those in Afghanistan need the help of our Blessed Mother. History has shown us how powerful the intercession of Our Blessed Mother is. Faith Formation for students Kindergarten through 2nd Year Confirmation classes will begin on Sunday, October 3rd. This is the last weekend that Faith Formation registration will take place on the patio after Mass with Elaine Ashfield. Registration will continue by visiting the Church office. Faith Formation Students, that register on the morning of October 3 rd , will be given a packet to take home and may join the class on the following Sunday. This is to ensure adequate time for the instructors to prepare the course materials for each student. page 2 of 2 Read at 8:00 AM only: We invite you to join us today, on this Catechetical Sunday, at the 10:30 AM Mass where Father will Bless our Catechists. The Ushers will dismiss you from the back to the front at the end of Mass. Those of you who would like to help us sanitize after Mass, please see one of the Ushers. All of these Announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament website, on the door of the Church office, and on our bulletin board on the patio. ALL Masses: Please welcome Corinne Dobler. Corinne will share an announcement regarding Food for Life.
Mass Intentions for The 25 th Sunday in Ordinary Time
For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for ll who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. 4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger and James Kuenstler 8:00 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Maggie Jones and Judy Andreshak We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka 10:30 We Pray for the people and children of Afghanistan and Nigeria.
Greeting for the 19 th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 7 - 8 August 21
Greeting for the 19 th Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community
Today our Second Collection is for Maintenance and Education. This weekend we celebrate the 19 th Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 40 and 41. Due to the increase of COVID Delta Variant cases, masks in the church are strongly recommended but are not mandatory at this time. We continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. 1. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. 2. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. 3. Remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. 4. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for the 19 th Sunday in Ordinary Time Announcements for the 19 th Sunday in Ordinary Time. USHERS: Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. To emphasize what we’ve said in the greeting, due to the spike in COVID Delta virus cases, masks in Church are now strongly recommended, but not mandatory at this time. Our Parish Office will remain closed to the general public effective immediately. Masks inside the office are mandatory. Please call the office with your questions or needs and we will return your call as soon as possible. Those who cannot attend Mass because of age (65 years and older) or disability will continue to be excused and encouraged to make Sundays Holy and to watch the Mass on EWTN.
Jane Smith’s family is requesting that Jane’s funeral Mass be private for family and close friends only. Blessed Sacrament will schedule a memorial Mass at a later date for our Parishioners. Maggie Jone’s Funeral will be on Wednesday, August 18 th at 11:00 AM with a Rosary preceding the Mass at 10:00 AM. Our Maintenance Ministry is seeking volunteers for groundskeeping, someone who enjoys landscaping and so forth. If you’re interested in volunteering your time to this Ministry, please contact George Collard at 760-985-5607. Blessed Sacrament is offering a Bilingual English and Spanish Baptism Class on Monday, August 23rd at 6:00 pm at the Parish Office. If you’re interested in attending you may walk in to the page 2 of 2 class or call Elaine Ashfield at the Parish Office to reserve your seat at 760-367-3343. Blessed Sacrament Bulletins are back! Information regarding upcoming Ministry Classes can be found in this week’s Bulletin. Our Ushers have them at the back of the Church and you may pick one up after Mass. Remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you from the back to the front at the end of Mass. Those of you who would like to help us sanitize after Mass, please see one of the Ushers. Saturday 4:30 pm ONLY: This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our August Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items. All of these Announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament website, on the door of the Church office, and on our bulletin board on the patio. Now Father will Bless those of us with Birthdays &Anniversaries in the month of August. Mass Intentions for the 19 th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for the 19 th Sunday in Ordinary Time
For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord.
4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger, Jane Smith and Maggie Jones. We Pray for the people and the children of Nigeria.
8:00 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Rachael Graham, Jane Smith, Maggie Jones and the deceased members of the Altar Society. We Pray for Healing for: Mary Nishioka and Kimmy Andreshak.
We Pray for the Candalaria Family. We Pray for the people and the children of Nigeria. 10:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Jane Smith, and Maggie Jones. We Pray for the peace and comfort of the Baillie Family. We Pray for the people and the children of Nigeria.