Greeting for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Times,  25 - 26 June 2022 
Greeting for The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic  Community. This weekend we celebrate The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus.  Second Collection: DDF Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 22 to 24.  Remember that we continue to be directed during Holy Communion beginning  with those in the front pews. Please maintain the 3ft. distance, and remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. We continue to ask those of us receiving Communion on the tongue to please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. The Ushers are continuing to dismiss us from the back to the front. Pope Francis reminds us that “Prayer is first and foremost dialogue, a personal relationship with God.” Pope Francis stresses that our time before Mass is a time for “silent prayer when we prepare our hearts for an encounter with the Lord 1”.  Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer. Announcements for  the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Times, 25 - 26 June 2022,  ​​​​Announcements for The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection: DDF  It is not too late. Visit the Church office to submit your special Father’s Day prayer intentions. Father’s Day intentions will be on the altar for the same amount of time as the Mother’s Day intentions.  During the month of July, Father Eliseus will be traveling to Nigeria for the Ordination of over 20 new Priests. While Father Eliseus is away, Father Mike  McCullough will celebrate Masses with us on weekends. Philip Limon will offer Communion Services during the week, Monday through Thursday at 8:00 AM, and on First Friday, July 1st at 9:00 AM. Father Mike will hear confessions in the big reconciliation room to the left of the altar, Saturdays from 3:00 PM to 4:20 PM. We still have a small supply of FREE at-home COVID Tests. If you would like one of these at-home COVID test kits, please visit our Blessed Sacrament  Church Office during business hours, or for more information call Gail at (760) 367-3343. Please do not visit the Church Office if you are actively experiencing any COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms.  Our Blessed Mother specifically asked the children of Fatima and the world to Pray the Rosary. She said, “Say the Rosary every day, to bring peace to the world and end the war.” So, we continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan & for peace in the world. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can. We hope to see you here in the church.  The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program continues to sell Scrip Gift Cards after Mass on the patio, in the Church Office, and securely online through the Blessed Sacrament Website. We continue to look for volunteers to sell Scrip after each Mass. Contact Joel Klink at (760) 910-1205 if you are interested. As a reminder, our Announcements are posted on the door of the church office, on the bulletin board on our patio, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website. Our Ushers will continue to dismiss us at the end of Mass, from the back to the front.  We have a special Blessing for Father Eliseus, for safe travels to Nigeria. Lord, at every moment and in every place you are near to those who serve you. Be Father Elisues’ guide and protector as he sets out on this journey. Make him feel your presence and know that you are with him and bring him home safely. For this, we pray to the Lord. Lord, hear our prayer.
​Mass Intentions for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Times, 25 - 26 June 2022.  Mass Intentions for The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time  For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas,  especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our PoliceMen and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. June 25th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Family We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Michael Mosiniak We Pray for Healing for Betty Kocher  June 26th 8:00 AM
We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joe Thrasher We Pray in thanksgiving for Mary Nishioka’s healing We Pray for Healing of the Ryan Family June 26th 10:30 AM  We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Fortunato Dela  Cruz, Sr. and Antonia Dela Cruz, Lee Baillie and Joan Miller  We Pray for the Baillie Family We Pray for the Rice Family We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family

Announcements for The Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord, 17 Aril 2022
Second Collection for DDF.
As an Easter gift, Father Eliseus has generously gifted us with the book “Life is Messy” by Matthew Kelly. If you would like one, please see an usher at the back of the Church, after Mass. Thank you, Father Eliseus.  Today, after the 10:30 AM Mass, we invite children under 6 years old to join us for an Easter Egg Hunt. Please meet after Mass, on the patio outside.  Tomorrow, Monday, April 18th is the last day to purchase raffle tickets for a chance to win a beautiful piece of artwork. All proceeds for the ticket sales will benefit the mission, or missions, of the Blessed Sacrament Altar Society. Raffle ticket sales are available after Masses on the Patio outside, or you can purchase tickets by visiting the Church office.
Every Wednesday at 4:30 PM the Blessed Sacrament Community comes together to pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. Please join us each week to pray for peace in the world, for countries suffering from war and violence, and for the safety of the people of Ukraine.
Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has Scrip gift cards for sale. This is a wonderful way to support the Parish. We have over a dozen different vendors to choose from like Stater Bros. Walmart, Amazon, and Gas Cards. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. You can also purchase Scrip securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website or in the Church Office.
Our Ushers will dismiss you at the end of Mass, from the back to the front.
As a way to protect our Parishioner's health and safety, we wipe down high-touch areas between each Mass. If you would like to help us, please see one of the Ushers at the end of Mass.
Each and every week, our announcements
are posted to the front door of the church office, the bulletin board on our patio, and the Blessed Sacrament Website. 

Greeting for Palm Sunday, 09 - 10  April  2022
Greeting for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord  Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection.  The Readings for this Mass are on pages 3 to 13 in English and pages 17 to 24 in Spanish in your Missal if you would like to follow along. At the time of the Gospel, we will be reading the Passion and if it is too long for you to stand, we invite you to sit. While many mask mandates have eased, we continue to encourage all parishioners to wear masks inside the Church during this time.  Children must continue to be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. We will continue to be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion  beginning with those in the front pews. Please remember to Maintain the  3ft. distance and to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat.  Those of us receiving Holy Communion on the tongue please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward.  At the end of Mass, we are continuing to be dismissed by an Usher beginning with the pews at the back of the church. Our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both  time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer. ​​​​Announcements for Palm Sunday, Announcements for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord  No Second Collection. You may have noticed that we have new Missals in the Pews dated April 10 th to June 11 th . We have a limited amount available for you to take one home. If you do take one home with you, please put your name on it and bring it back and forth to Church with you each week. Friday, April 15th from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, we will join together to Pray the Stations of the Cross for the last time this Lenten season. The Good Friday Service immediately follows the Stations of the Cross. We appreciate all of you who have joined us for the Stations of the Cross each week. The Mass Times for the upcoming week are:   ● Holy Thursday, April 14 th at 7:00 PM  ● Good Friday, April 15 th at 7:00 PM  ● Easter Vigil, April 16 th at 7:00 PM  ● Easter Sunday, April 17 th at 8:00 and 10:30 AM  From Saturday, April 16 th to Sunday, April 24 th Blessed Sacrament comes together for the Divine Mercy Novena. Mass times are 6:00 PM on the 18 th , 23 rd, and 24 th , then 6:30 PM on the 19 th , 20 th , 21st, and 22 nd . We continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan & for peace in the world. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can. We hope to see you there. Until Monday, April 18 th our Altar Society is selling raffle tickets for a beautiful piece of artwork. All proceeds for the ticket sales will benefit the mission, or missions, of the Altar Society. Raffle ticket sales are available after Masses on the Patio outside, or you can purchase tickets by visiting the Church office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. Our Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. As a way to protect our Parishioner's health and safety, we wipe down the pews and doorknobs and such between each Mass. If you would like to help  us, please see one of the Ushers at the end of Mass. As a reminder, our announcements are posted to the door of the church office, the bulletin board on our patio, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website.  Mass Intentions for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord.  April 9th 4:30 P M We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families We Pray for Healing for Marcus Davidson We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Lynne Barry  April 9 th 8:00 AM  We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Judy Andreshak We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Lynne Barry and Gail Jones April 10 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Joan Miller and Antonia and Fortunato Delacruz We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka and Ted Rosenthal

Greeting for Pentecost, 4 - 5  June 2022 , Greeting for
Pentecost Sunday: At the Mass During the Day  Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate Pentecost with our Celebrant Father Eliseus.  Second Collection for Maintenance and Education.  Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 109 to 113. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page)  Remember that we continue to be directed during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please maintain the 3ft. distance, and remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat.  Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward.  The Ushers are continuing to dismiss us from the back to the front.   Our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.  10:30 AM Greeting for  Pentecost Sunday: At the Mass During the Day Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. At this Mass, we will celebrate Pentecost and graduating high school seniors with our Celebrant Father Eliseus.  Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 109 to 113. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page)  Remember that we continue to be directed during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please maintain the 3ft. distance, and remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward.  The Ushers are continuing to dismiss us from the back to the front.  Our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer .Announcements for  Pentecost Sunday 04 - 05 June 2022, ​​​​​​​Announcements for Pentecost Sunday: At the Mass During the Day
Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. For the Weekends of June 12th and June 19th, there will be a Diocesan Priests Retirement Special Collection. “This special collection will continue assisting our Retired Priests in their long-term needs. The purpose and outcome of this special 2022 Father’s Day Appeal will be to assist our Diocesan priests in need, and to continue building our Endowment Fund to assist these Diocesan Priests in their long-term needs of ongoing health care, health insurance premiums, auto insurance premiums, housing, and inflationary costs. Your donations also assist our Retirees with emergency medical expenses. Your generosity in this important appeal is greatly appreciated by our Retirees. God Bless you for your generosity and commitment and may God continue to bless our Retired Priests for their good and faithful service.” This month we will be starting a teen youth ministry group. So if you are a teen or have a teen in your life who would like to make some friends, have some fun, and most importantly deepen their faith, join us on Wednesday, June 8th, 7:00 PM, in the church office conference room for an information meeting. This meeting is for teens and their parents or guardians. Come and hear more about this exciting new ministry here at Blessed Sacrament.  “Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C. devoted his priestly life to spreading the devotion to Mary and encouraging family prayer, especially the Rosary. He used radio, television, and film, and 540 Rosary Rallies worldwide to accomplish his mission.” He was truly a man of God. He spoke of himself as “Our Lady’s donkey.”  Please join us on Thursday, June 16th from 6:00 to 7:30 PM for an evening with Fr. Patrick Peyton, the Rosary Priest.  Our Blessed Sacrament Thrift Shop desperately needs you to volunteer! The Thrift Shop needs front counter volunteers on Wednesdays and Thursdays. This person will ring up customers and close up the store at the end of the day. If we are unable to fill these volunteer positions, then the Thrift Shop may have to close on those days. This leaves our community without access to many of the items we provide at a very affordable price, especially children's items. Please prayerfully consider volunteering your time on Wednesdays and Thursdays to our Blessed Sacrament Thrift Shop. We are continuing to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan & for peace in the world. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can. We hope to see you here in the church.  We all know that prayer changes things.  The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program continues to sell Scrip Gift Cards after Mass on the patio, in the Church Office, and securely online through the Blessed Sacrament Website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. These gift cards can be used at a variety of online stores, including Amazon, gas, and shop conveniently from home with your Scrip Gift Cards. We are looking for volunteers to sell Scrip after each Mass. Contact Joel Klink at (760) 910-1205 if you are interested. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program.  [READ AT 4:30 PM MASS ONLY] This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our June Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available. As a reminder,  our Announcements are posted to the door of the church office, on the bulletin board on our patio, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website.  Our Ushers will continue to dismiss us at the end of Mass, from the back to the front.  [READ AT 10:30 AM MASS ONLY]  Elaine Ashfield will now come up and introduce our graduates. Birthday & Anniversary Blessings
  Mass Intentions for Pentecost Sunday.  For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For the community of Uvalde, Texas, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and all those experiencing war and violence.  Let us pray to the Lord.  une 4th, 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Claudia Bridges and Cresanth Castor, We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Family June 5th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Joe Thrasher and John Moser June 5th 10:30 AM
We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of:  Fortunato Dela Cruz, Sr. and Antonia Dela Cruz, Rena Dewitt and Joan Miller We Pray thanksgiving for Mary Nishioka’s healing We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family

Greeting for The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Happy Father’s Day! Special Second Collection: Diocesan Priests’ Retirement Collection “This special collection will continue assisting our Retired Priests in their long-term needs. The purpose and outcome of this special 2022 Father’s Day Appeal is to assist our Diocesan priests in need, and to continue building our Endowment Fund to assist these Diocesan Priests in their long-term needs of ongoing health care, health insurance premiums, auto insurance premiums, housing, and inflationary costs. Your donations also assist our Retirees with emergency medical expenses. Your generosity in this important appeal is greatly appreciated by our Retired Priests. God Bless you for your generosity and commitment and may God continue to bless our Retired Priests for their good and faithful service.” If you would like additional information on this special collection, please see the insert in this week's bulletin. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 19 to 22. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) Remember that we continue to be directed during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please maintain the 3ft. distance, and remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. SEE OVER → We continue to ask those of us receiving Communion on the tongue please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. The Ushers are continuing to dismiss us from the back to the front. Pope Francis reminds us that “Prayer is first and foremost dialogue, a personal relationship with God.” Pope Francis stresses that our time before Mass is a time for “silent prayer when we prepare our hearts for an encounter with the Lord 1 ”. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.  ​​​​​Announcements for  the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ,  18 - 19 June 2022, 
​​​Announcements for The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) Special Second Collection: Diocesan Priests’ Retirement Collection On Tuesday, June 21st at 11:00 AM, a Funeral Mass will be celebrated for Eufenia Cabintoy. A Rosary and viewing will precede the Mass at 10:00 AM. There will be no 8:00 AM Mass on this day. In your pews are Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Mass Intention Envelopes. You can submit your special intentions by putting your envelope in the Collection basket or bringing it directly to the Church office. Father’s Day intentions will be on the altar for the same amount of time as the Mother’s Day intentions. For the month of July, Father Eliseus will be traveling to Nigeria for the Ordination of over 20 new Priests. While Father Eliseus is away, Father Mike McCullough will celebrate Masses with us on weekends. Philip Limon will offer Communion Services during the week, Monday through Thursday at 8:00 AM, and on First Friday, July 1st at 9:00 AM. Father Mike will hear confessions in the big reconciliation room to the left of the altar, Saturdays from 3:00 PM to 4:20 PM. Blessed Sacrament has received a limited supply of FREE at-home COVID Tests. If you would like one of these at-home COVID test kits, please visit our Blessed Sacrament Church Office during business hours, or for more information call Gail at (760) 367-3343. Please do not visit the Church Office if you are actively experiencing any COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms. SEE OVER → We all know that prayer changes things. So, we continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan & for peace in the world. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can. We hope to see you here in the church. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program continues to sell Scrip Gift Cards after Mass on the patio, in the Church Office, and securely online through the Blessed Sacrament Website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. These gift cards can be used at a variety of online stores, including Amazon, gas, and shop conveniently from home with your Scrip Gift Cards. We continue to look for volunteers to sell Scrip after each Mass. Contact Joel Klink at (760) 910-1205 if you are interested. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. As a reminder, our Announcements are posted on the door of the church office, on the bulletin board on our patio, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website. Our Ushers will continue to dismiss us at the end of Mass, from the back to the front. We would like to recognize Father Eliseus, on Father’s Day, with a special Blessing. Lord, we thank you for our Priest, Father Eliseus, for he is truly a gift to all of us and this Parish. May you continue to guide him, protect him, and encourage him. Heavenly Father, Bless Father Eliseus on this Father’s Day, and every day. Amen.
​Mass Intentions for Most Body and Blood of Christ   Mass Intentions for The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our PoliceMen and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. June 18 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Family We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Regina Ogaldez June 19 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Joe Thrasher and Pablo Cusumano We Pray for Father’s Day Blessings for Russell Collard We Pray for Educational Blessings for Jeremy Collard June 19 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Fortunato Dela Cruz, Sr. and Antonia Dela Cruz and Joan Miller We Pray in thanksgiving for Mary Nishioka’s healing We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.

Greeting for Fourth Sunday of Easter, 07 May, 08 May 2022 
Greeting for The Fourth Sunday of Easter,  Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fourth Sunday of Easter and Mother’s Day with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. St. Thérèse of Lisieux said, “The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother.” We wish all Mothers a beautiful and blessed Mother’s Day.  Second Collection for Maintenance & Education  Our readings in English are on pages 88 to 90.  An Usher will continue to direct us during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. We will be dismissed by an Usher beginning with the pews at the back of the church.  Our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.   ​Announcements for  the Fourth Sunday of Easter , 07 May, 08 May 2022  ​Announcements for The Fourth Sunday of Easter,  Second Collection for Maintenance & Education.  2022 Spring Combined Collection will take place next weekend, May 14th and 15th. The Combined Collection will support the following ministries:  Catholic Relief Services Catholic Communication Campaign Peter’s Pence Catholic Campaign for Human Development  “Supporting these ministries via the Spring Combined Collection is our opportunity to put our faith in action. When you answer the call, you build up the Church so that it will continue to minister to all for generations to come.” - Bishop Alberto Rojas. We have all heard the saying “the family that prays together, stays together.” Please join us on Thursday, June 16th at 4:30 PM for a showing about Fr. Patrick Peyton, the Rosary Priest.  e continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan & for peace in the world. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can. We hope to see you there. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift carGreads for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program..  [READ AT 4:30 PM MASS ONLY] This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our May Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available.   As a way to protect our Parishioner's health and safety, we wipe down high-touch areas between each Mass. If you would like to help us, please see one of the Ushers at the end of Mass.  As a reminder, our announcements are posted to the door of the church office, on the bulletin board on our patio, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website.  Our Ushers will continue to dismiss us at the end of Mass, from the back to the front.  [Special Speaker] Today, we welcome Corinne Dobler. Corinne will speak to us regarding Food for Life by Blessed Sacrament Volunteers. Thank you, Corinne.  Birthday, Anniversary + Mother’s Day Blessing   ​Mass Intentions for The Fourth Sunday of Easter Mass Intentions for The Fourth Sunday of Easter For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and all those experiencing war and violence. et us pray to the Lord.  May 7th 4:30 PM, We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Dana Cooper  We Pray for Healing for Adolfo Dulatre We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families ay 8th, 8:00 AM, We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Patricia Wood  May 1st, 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of:  Fortunato Dela Cruz, Sr. and Antonia Dela Cruz, Mel Whidbee and Joan Miller
We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka and Ted Rosenthal We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts (15 Seconds)  let us pray to the Lord. 

Greeting for Third Sunday of Easter, 30 April, 01 May 2022 
Greeting for  The Third Sunday of Easter, Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Third Sunday of Easter and The Feast of St. Joseph with our Celebrant Father Eliseus.  No Second Collection.  Our Mass readings in English are on pages 86 to 88.  Next Sunday, May 8th, is Mother’s Day. Our Mother’s Day Mass Intentions envelopes are in the pew for you to take home and return with your intentions. You can place your intentions in the collection basket or bring them directly to the Church office. During Mass on Mother’s Day, and for the month of May, Father Eliseus will have these special intentions on the Altar.  You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward.  At the end of Mass, you will be dismissed by an Usher beginning with the pews at the back of the church.  Our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.  [SUNDAY 10:30 AM] Greeting for  The Third Sunday of Easter Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Third Sunday of Easter, The Feast of St. Joseph, and the Crowning of the Blessed Mother with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Next Sunday, May 8th, is Mother’s Day. Our Mother’s Day Mass Intentions envelopes are in the pew for you to take home and return with your intentions. You can place your intentions in the collection basket or bring them directly to the Church office. During Mass on Mother’s Day, and for the month of May, Father Eliseus will have these special intentions on the Altar. An usher will direct you during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat.  Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Ushers will continue to dismiss us beginning with the pews at the back of the church.  Our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer. Announcements for  the Third Sunday of Easter , 30 April, 01 May 2022
​​No Second Collection.  This weekend, we thank and recognize Anna and William Johanson who donated the stained glass window for the Feast of St. Joseph. We pray for the eternal repose of their souls.  [pause]  On Saturday, May 7th at 11:00 AM there will be a Memorial Mass for Regina Ogaldez. Proceeding the Mass, we will pray a Rosary at 10:00 AM.  We continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan & for peace in the world. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can. We hope to see you there.  [Read at 4:30 PM Mass Only] The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. As a way to protect our Parishioner's health and safety, we wipe down high-touch areas between each Mass. If you would like to help us, please see one of the Ushers at the end of Mass. As a reminder, our announcements are posted to the door of the church office, on the bulletin board on our patio, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website. Our Ushers will continue to dismiss us at the end of Mass, from the back to the front.  [Read at 8:00 and 10:30 AM Mass Only] Today, we welcome Joel Klink. Joel will speak to us regarding the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. Thank you, Joel. ​Mass Intentions for The Third Sunday of Easter, For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord.  April 30th 4:30 PM  We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Dave Lawless and Dana Cooper  We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families  May 1st 8:00 AM  We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Bo Bowden and Anna and William Johanson  May 1st 10:30 AM  We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of:  Fortunato Dela Cruz, Sr. and Antonia Dela Cruz, Anna and William Johanson and Joan Miller  We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka and Ted Rosenthal  For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts

Greeting for The Fifth Sunday of Lent, 02 - 03 April  2022
Greeting for The Fifth Sunday of Lent, Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament  2-3  April 2022
Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fifth Sunday of Lent with our Celebrant Father Eliseus.  Second collection for Maintenance and Education. Our Mass readings in English are on pages 85 to 87. While we do not have a Spanish Reading at this Mass, you may follow along, en español, at the back of the Missal on pages 90 to 92. While many mask mandates have eased, we continue to encourage all parishioners to wear masks inside the Church during this time. Children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. At the end of Mass, you will be dismissed by an Usher beginning with the pews at the back of the church. Our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The lord is constantly laboring to love us  and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer. Announcements for The Fifth Sunday of Lent
Announcements for The Fifth Sunday of Lent, Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. While supplies last, we are offering take-home donation boxes for Lent. We will collect these boxes after Easter and the money will be used to support a mission or missions. If you would like one, please see an usher on the way out.  Remember, each Friday evening from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, until April 15 th our Blessed Sacrament Community will Pray the Stations of the Cross, please join us. And as we journey through this Lenten Season, Father would like to remind everyone that the schedule for Confession is Saturdays at 3:30 PM, and the location continues to be in the Hospitality Room.  Every Wednesday at 4:30 PM the Blessed Sacrament Community comes together to pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. Please join us each week to pray for peace in the world, for countries suffering from war and violence, and for the safety of the people of Ukraine.  Our Altar Society is selling raffle tickets for a beautiful piece of  artwork. All proceeds for the ticket sales will benefit the mission, or missions, of the Altar Society. Raffle ticket sales may be available after Masses on the Patio outside, or you can purchase tickets by visiting the Church office.  Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has Scrip gift cards for sale. This is a wonderful way to support the Parish. We have over a dozen different vendors to choose from like Stater Bros. Walmart, Amazon, and Gas Cards. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. You can also purchase Scrip securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website or in the Church Office.  [READ AT Saturday 4:30 PM Mass  Only:] This evening,  “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our April Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available.  Our Ushers will dismiss you at the end of Mass, from the back to the front. As a way to protect our Parishioner's health and safety, we wipe down high-touch areas between each Mass. If you would like to help us, please see one of the Ushers at the end of Mass.   Each and every week, our announcements are posted to the front door of the church office, the bulletin board on our patio, and the Blessed  Sacrament Website.  Birthday and Anniversary Blessings  ​Mass Intentions for The Fifth Sunday of Lent Mass Intentions for The Fifth Sunday of Lent
For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas,  especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. April 2nd  4:30 PM  We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Jan Keller and Jaqueline Aseltine  We Pray for Healing for Diana and Manuel Hinojosa and Butch Jereczek We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Family April 3 rd 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Maggie Jones. We Pray for Healing for Brian Slusser, Mary Nishioka and Ted Rosenthal April 3 rd 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Joan Miller, Antonia  and Fortunato Delacruz, Richard Garcia, Larry Curtis and
Austin Duncan

Greeting for Second Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday 23-24 April 2022 
Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic,  ommunity. This weekend we celebrate The Second Sunday of Easter with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection.
Our Mass readings in English are on pages 83 to 85. While many mask mandates have eased, we continue to encourage all parishioners to wear masks inside the Church during this time.
Children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized.  You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. At the end of Mass, you will be dismissed by an Usher beginning with the pews at the back of the church. Our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.  ​​​​​​Announcements for Divine Mercy Sunday23-24 Aril 2022 ​Announcements for The Second Sunday of Easter, No Second Collection. Next week, from Monday, April 25 th to Friday, April 29 th , Father Eliseus will be out of town. Therefore, next week there will be NO WEEKDAY MASS.  On Saturday, May 7 th at 11:00 AM there will be a Memorial Mass for Regina Ogaldez. Proceeding the Mass, we will pray a Rosary at 10:00 AM. For Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 8 th you may petition Special Mass Intentions. In the pews are Mother’s Day Spiritual Boquet Mass Intention Envelopes. You can submit your special intentions by sending the envelope up in the Collections basket or directly to the Church office. During Mass on Mother’s Day, Father Eliseus will have these special intentions on the Altar. You may have noticed that we have new Missals in the Pews dated April 10 th to June 11 th . If you would like, you may take one home with you, please put your name on it and bring it back and forth to Church with you each week.  We continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan & for peace in the world. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can. We hope to see you there.  The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. Our Ushers will dismiss you at the end of Mass, from the back to the front.  As a way to protect our Parishioner's health and safety, we wipe down high-touch areas between each Mass. If you would like to help us, please see one of the Ushers at the end of Mass. As a reminder, our announcements are posted to the door of the church  office, on the bulletin board on our patio, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website. ​​Mass Intentions for Divine Mercy Sunday, 23 - 24 April 2022, Mass Intentions for The Second Sunday of Easter, For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and all those experiencing war and violence.  Let us pray to the Lord.  April 23rd 4:30PM, We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert and Frances Dehner, Butch Jereczek and Carmine Scelza We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families April 24 th 8:00 AM We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka and Ted Rosenthal April 24 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Joan Miller, Antonia and Fortunato Delacruz, James Sena and Erica Mariscal

Greeting for Mot Holy Trinity , 11 - 12  June 2022 , 
Greeting for The Most Holy Trinity Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic  Community. This weekend we celebrate The Most Holy Trinity with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Special Second Collection: Diocesan Priests’ Retirement Collection “This special collection will continue assisting our Retired Priests in their long-term needs. The purpose and outcome of this special 2022 Father’s Day Appeal will be to assist our Diocesan priests in need, and to continue building our Endowment Fund to assist these Diocesan Priests in their long-term needs of ongoing health care, health insurance premiums, auto insurance premiums, housing, and inflationary costs. Your donations also assist our Retirees with emergency medical expenses. Your generosity in this important appeal is greatly appreciated by our Retirees. God Bless you for your generosity and commitment and may God continue to bless our Retired Priests for their good and faithful service.” If you would like additional information on this special collection, please see the insert in this week's bulletin. As a reminder, we have new Missals in the pews for this next Liturgical Season. If you would like to take one home, you may. Please put your name on it and bring it back and forth to Church with you. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 17 to 19. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page)  Remember that we continue to be directed during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please maintain the 3ft. distance, and remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. The Ushers are continuing to dismiss us from the back to the front.  Our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer..  Announcements for  Most Holy Trinity  11 - 12 June 2022,   ​​Announcements for The Most Holy Trinity Special Second Collection: Diocesan Priests’ Retirement Collection This Thursday, June 16 th at 11:00 AM, a Funeral Mass will be celebrated for Carlos Peña with a Rosary preceding Mass at 10:00 AM. All are welcome to attend. In your pews are Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Mass Intention Envelopes. You can submit your special intentions by putting your envelope in the Collection basket or bringing it directly to the Church office. During the Masses on Father’s Day, and for the entire month of June, Father Eliseus will have these special intentions on the Altar. This is the week! Please join us Thursday, June 16 th from 6:00 to 7:30 PM for an evening with Fr. Patrick Peyton, the Rosary Priest. “Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C. devoted his priestly life to spreading the devotion to Mary and encouraging family prayer, especially the Rosary. He used radio, television, and film, and 540 Rosary Rallies worldwide to accomplish his mission.” He was truly a man of God. He spoke of himself as “Our Lady’s donkey.” You may have noticed the Church Grounds and Landscape are beautifully maintained, and we would like to thank and recognize the team of individuals responsible for this incredible work: The Evers Family, Naty, Patrick, and Edwina. This team is looking for YOUR support! Next Saturday, June 18 th , they are seeking capable volunteers, possibly  some young Marines or Navy personnel, to dig shallow trenches in the areas outside of the church to relocate the sprinkler systems and to do some weeding and general maintenance. All volunteers will receive a FREE lunch. If you would like to lovingly donate your time on Saturday, June 18th. Please arrive at the church at 8:00 AM. Blessed Sacrament has received a limited supply of FREE at-home COVID Tests. If you would like one of these at-home COVID test kits, please visit our Blessed Sacrament Church Office during business hours, or for more information call Gail at (760) 367-3343. Please do not visit the Church Office if you are actively experiencing any COVID-19 or flu- like symptoms. We all know that prayer changes things. So, we continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan & for peace in the world. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can. We hope to see you here in the church. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program continues to sell Scrip Gift Cards after Mass on the patio, in the Church Office, and securely online through the Blessed Sacrament Website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. These gift cards can be used at a variety of online stores, including Amazon, gas, and shop conveniently from home with your Scrip Gift Cards. We are looking for volunteers to sell Scrip after each Mass. Contact Joel Klink at (760) 910-1205 if you are interested. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. As a reminder, our Announcements are posted on the door of the church office, on the bulletin board on our patio, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website. Our Ushers will continue to dismiss us at the end of Mass, from the back to the front.  ​Mass Intentions for Most Holy Trinity   Mass Intentions for The Most Holy Trinity For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For the community of Uvalde, Texas, for our PoliceMen and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. June 11 th 4:30PM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Bud Garrett We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Family We Pray for Healing for Adolfo Dulatre June 12 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Joe Thrasher, Bud Garrett and JoAnn Schmitt June 12 th  10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Fortunato Dela Cruz, Sr. and Antonia Dela Cruz, Bud Garrett and Joan Miller We Pray in thanksgiving for Mary Nishioka’s healing We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family

Greeting for Sixth Sunday of Easter, 21 May, 22  May 2022 
Greeting for The Sixth Sunday of Easter, Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Sixth Sunday of Easter with our Celebrant Father Eliseus.
Second Collection for DDF.  Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 92 & 93. Remember that we continue to be directed during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance, and remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat.  Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. The Ushers are continuing to dismiss us from the back to the front.  Our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.  Announcements for  the Sixth Sunday of Easter , 21 May, 22 May 2022 ​​​​Announcements for The Sixth Sunday of Easter  Second Collection for DDF Blessed Sacrament Food For Life Volunteers critically need your support this coming week. Food for Life distributes necessary meals to homebound people around our desert community. Please prayerfully consider volunteering your time and effort to Food For Life:  Thursday, May 26th at 9:00 AM: A volunteer is needed, with a flat bed truck, to drive to Indio and bring the food back. Two strong men are needed per truck. Friday, May 27th from 2:30 to 5:00 PM: Volunteers will prepare meals, entrees, salads, and bread  Saturday, May 28th from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM: Tasks include preparing meals for transport, delivering meals to homebound people, serving meals, and clean-up. Food For Life is not possible without the individuals that lovingly donate their time and effort. If you are not able to volunteer, please consider spreading the word to others that may volunteer. Please contact Corinne Dobler to register at 760-367-7605.  We will be celebrating our Baccalaureate Mass on June 5th at the 10:30 Mass. We encourage all High School Graduates to participate in our Baccalaureate Mass. Please contact the office at 760-367-3343 if your child will be participating in this Mass.  We have all heard the saying “the family that prays together, stays together.” Please join us on Thursday, June 16th from 6:00 to 7:30 PM for an evening with Fr. Patrick Peyton, the Rosary Priest. Father Peyton began his Family Rosary Program on the radio 75 years ago, this year. Some of you may remember Fr. Payton when you were growing up. Our Blessed Sacrament Thrift Shop desperately needs you to volunteer! The Thrift Shop needs front counter volunteers on Wednesdays and Thursdays. This person will ring up customers and close up the store at the end of the day. If we are unable to fill these volunteer positions, then the Thrift Shop may have to close on those days. This leaves our community without access to many of the items we provide at a very affordable price, especially children's items. Please prayerfully consider volunteering your time on Wednesdays and Thursdays to our Blessed Sacrament Thrift Shop.  We are continuing to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan & for peace in the world. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can. We hope to see you here in the church.  We all know that prayer changes things.  The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has a wide variety of gift cards for sale. There are very many different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. These gift cards can be used at a variety of online stores, including Amazon, save gas, and shop conveniently from home with your Scrip Gift Cards. We are looking for volunteers to sell Scrip after each Mass. Contact Joel Klink at (760) 910-1205 if you are interested. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program.  As a reminder, our announcements are posted to the door of the church office, on the bulletin board on our patio, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website.  Our Ushers will continue to dismiss us at the end of Mass, from the back to the front.  
​Mass Intentions for The Sixth Sunday of Easter Mass Intentions for The Sixth Sunday of Easter For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord.  May 14th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Jeffrey Matthews We Pray for Healing for Betty Kocher and Nancy O’Malley
We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families May 15th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Judy Andreshak We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Gemma Fortier May 15th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of:  Fortunato Dela Cruz, Sr. and Antonia Dela Cruz, Melvin Whidbee Sr. and Joan Miller We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka and Ted Rosenthal We Pray for the anonymous intention requested for healing We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family

Greeting for Ascension, 28 May, 29  May 2022 Greeting for The Ascension of the Lord
Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Ascension of the Lord with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection.
Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 95 to 97.  Remember that we continue to be directed during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance, and remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. The Ushers are continuing to dismiss us from the back to the front.  Our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.   Announcements for  the Ascension of the Lord. 28 May, 29 May 2022
​​​​​Announcements for The Ascension of the Lord, No Second Collection Next Friday, June 3rd, we will celebrate First Friday Mass at 9:00 AM.  Pentecost Sunday Mass will be celebrated next weekend, Saturday, June 4that 4:30 PM and Sunday, June 5that 8:00 and 10:30 AM. During the celebration, Father will invite us to contribute prayer intentions during Mass in a language other than English. On June 5th at 10:30 AM, we will be celebrating our High School Graduates. We encourage all High School Seniors to participate in our Baccalaureate Mass. Please contact the office at 760-367-3343 if your child will be participating in this Mass.  This month we will be starting a teen youth ministry group. So if you are a teen or have a teen in your life who would like to make some friends, have some fun, and most importantly deepen their faith, join us on Wednesday, June 8th, 7:00 PM, in the church office conference room for an information meeting. This meeting is for teens and their parents or guardians. Come and hear more about this exciting new ministry here at Blessed Sacrament. We have all heard the saying “the family that prays together, stays together.” Please join us on Thursday, June 16th from 6:00 to 7:30 PM for an evening with Fr. Patrick Peyton, the Rosary Priest. Father Peyton began his Family Rosary Program on the radio 75 years ago, this year. Some of you may remember Fr. Payton when you were growing up. Our Blessed Sacrament Thrift Shop desperately needs you to volunteer! The Thrift Shop needs front counter volunteers on Wednesdays and Thursdays. This person will ring up customers and close up the store at the end of the day. If we are unable to fill these volunteer positions, then the Thrift Shop may have to close on those days. This leaves our community without access to many of the items we provide at a very affordable price, especially children's items. Please prayerfully consider volunteering your time on Wednesdays and Thursdays to our Blessed Sacrament Thrift Shop.  We are continuing to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan & for peace in the world. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can. We hope to see you here in the church.  We all know that prayer changes things. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has a wide variety of gift cards for sale. There are very many different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. These gift cards can be used at a variety of online stores, including Amazon, gas, and shop conveniently from home with your Scrip Gift Cards. We are looking for volunteers to sell Scrip after each Mass. Contact Joel Klink at (760) 910-1205 if you are interested. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. As a reminder, our announcements are posted to the door of the church office, on the bulletin board on our patio, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website. Our Ushers will continue to dismiss us at the end of Mass, from the back to the front. ​​Mass Intentions for The Ascension of the Lord For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord.  May 28th 4:30 PM  We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of the 19 Children and 2 Teachers who perished at the hands of a gunman in Uvalde, Texas. We also Pray for the Husband of one of the teachers who passed away from a heart attack as a result of his wife’s death. May the Lord be with their families, friends and the entire Uvalde Community. We Pray for our Community Schools that they are a safe refuge for students and teachers.  We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Robert, Frances and Kathy Dehner and Cresanth Castor We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families
May 29th 8:00 AM  We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of the 19 Children and 2 Teachers who perished at the hands of a gunman in Uvalde, Texas. We also Pray for the Husband of one of the teachers who passed away from a heart attack as a result of his wife’s death. May the Lord be with their families, friends and the entire Uvalde Community. We Pray for our Community Schools that they are a safe refuge for students and teachers.  We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Flo and Stan Andreshak We Pray for Healing for Diana Hinojosa and Dianne Flores May 29th 10:30 AM   We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of the 19 Children and 2 Teachers who perished at the hands of a gunman in Uvalde, Texas. We also Pray for the Husband of one of the teachers who passed away from a heart attack as a result of his wife’s death. May the Lord be with their families, fri
ends and the entire Uvalde Community.  We Pray for our Community Schools that they are a safe refuge for students and teachers.  We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of:  Fortunato Dela Cruz, Sr. and Antonia Dela Cruz, and Joan Miller   We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka, Ted Rosenthal, Diana Hinojosa and Dianne Flores  We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family  

Greeting for Fifth Sunday of Easter, 14 May, 15 May 2022 
Greeting for The Fifth Sunday of Easter, Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fifth Sunday of Easter with our Celebrant Father Eliseus.  As we said last weekend, our Second Collection is The Spring Combined Collection. “Supporting ministries via the Spring Combined Collection is our opportunity to put our faith in action. When you answer the call, you build up the Church so that it will continue to minister to all for generations to come.” - Bishop Alberto Rojas. Spring Combined Collection donation envelopes are at the end of each pew. Please prayerfully consider supporting this year’s 2022 Spring Combined Collection as an act of mercy and charity.   Our Ushers will continue to direct us during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance, and remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat.  Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward.  The Ushers will continue to dismiss us beginning with the pews at the back of the church.  Our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.   ​Announcements for  the Fifth Sunday of Easter , 14 May, 15 May 2022 ​​​Announcements for The Fifth Sunday of Easter As we said in the Greeting, our Second Collection is for the 2022 Spring Combined Collection.  The Combined Collection will support the following ministries: Catholic Relief Services Catholic Communication Campaign Peter’s Pence Catholic Campaign for Human Development  We have all heard the saying “the family that prays together, stays together.” Please join us on Thursday, June 16th from 6:00 to 7:30 PM for a showing about Fr. Patrick Peyton, the Rosary Priest. Father Peyton began his Family Rosary Program on the radio 75 years ago, this year. We are continuing to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan & for peace in the world. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can. We hope to see you there.  The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We are looking for volunteers to sell Scrip after each Mass. Contact Joel Klink at (760) 910-1205 if you are interested. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program.  As a reminder, our announcements are posted to the door of the church office, on the bulletin board on our patio, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website. Our Ushers will continue to dismiss us at the end of Mass, from the back to the front.  [Special Speaker, if Corinne is Present] Today, we welcome Corinne Dobler. Corinne will speak to us regarding Food for Life by Blessed Sacrament Volunteers. Thank you, Corinne.   ​​Mass Intentions for The Fourth Sunday of Easter Mass Intentions for The Fifth Sunday of Easter  For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and all those experiencing war and violence.  Let us pray to the Lord. May 14th 4:30 PM We Pray for Healing for Stephen Wood, Jessie Fleishman and Lindynn Utiaga We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families  May 15th 8:00 AM  We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Regina Ogaldez, Carlos Peña and Patty Burns,  May 15th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of:  Fortunato Dela Cruz, Sr. and Antonia Dela Cruz, Yvette Whidbee and Joan Miller We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka and Ted Rosenthal We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family  For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts  let us pray to the Lord.