Greetings for Christ the King, 20 - 21 November 2021
Greeting for The Solemnity of Our Lord. Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 75 to 77. Second Collection for DDF. Though it is not mandatory at this time, we continue to recommend wearing masks in Church. And we continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for Christ the King, Announcements for The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Second Collection for DDF. Generic Offertory envelopes are now available for you, at the back of the Church. In an effort to optimize our accounting workstreams, we kindly ask that you include your weekly Offering in your typical numbered envelope. Alternatively, you may provide your Offering in a generic Offertory envelope labeled with your assigned number. As always, we are incredibly grateful for your ongoing and generous gifts to Blessed Sacrament. Our Blessed Sacrament Community continues to faithfully pray a Rosary for the conflict in countries around the world, especially Afghanistan. We are continually Blessed with all of the faithful participants that join us each Wednesday. In an effort to encourage more of you to join us, we will be changing our typical meeting time. Beginning Wednesday, November 24 th , we will meet at 4:30 PM here in the Church. And we will continue to meet at this time, every Wednesday. This coming Thursday, November 25 th , Thanksgiving Day Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 AM. The new Missals and Music Issues, for use beginning the 1st Sunday in Advent (November 27 th and 28 th ), will be available in Pew Backs for the first time since 2020. Sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer will be available to you at the entrance of the Church. For all Faith Formation Students, classes will resume on November 28 th . Our talented team of Lectors is seeking volunteers from our beloved Parish to Proclaim the Word of God during Mass Celebrations. Lectors of all levels are encouraged to participate in this exceptional ministry. If you are interested in learning more or becoming a Lector, please contact Katie at and she will connect you with the Ministry Leaders. As we enter Advent and Christmas, Father would like to remind everyone that the schedule for Confession is Saturdays at 3:30 PM, and the location continues to be in the Hospitality Room.
The Funeral for Lorraine Candelaria is on November 27 th at 10:00 AM with a viewing from 8:45 AM to 9:15 AM and a Rosary beginning at 9:20 AM. A Memorial Mass for Carolyn Basler will be celebrated on Saturday, December 4 th at the 4:30 PM Mass. The Announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament website, on the door of the Church office, and on our bulletin board on the patio. Remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you at the end of Mass. Please see one of the Ushers if you would like to help us sanitize. Mass Intentions for Christ the King Mass Intentions for The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. 4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger, Robert and Frances Dehner and Maggie Jones We Pray for Thanksgiving for this praying community 8:00 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Justine Lavoile (love-wall) and Terry Stump e Pray for Thanksgiving for this praying community 10:30 We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Madeline Duncan
Greeting for the 30 th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 23 - 24 October 2021
Greeting for the 30 th Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate the 30 th Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 65 to 67. Second Collection: This weekend, October 23 rd and 24 th , our second collection is for World Mission Sunday. This collection is for the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, which supports the work and witness of the Mission Church. Please see an Usher for an envelope to prayerfully contribute a donation. Though it is not mandatory at this time, we continue to recommend wearing masks in Church. And we continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain eated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for The 30 th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Announcements for The 30 th Sunday in Ordinary Time, The ushers may come forward for the second collection for World Mission Sunday. The Adult Choir will be returning to sing on Sundays at the 10:30 AM. Mass and on Holy Days. Their first rehearsal will be this Monday, October 25 th , in the Church at 7:00 PM. Please join us to sing God’s Praises. If you have questions please call Cindy Minarik at 760-985-4000 or the Parish Office at 760-367-3343. A week from Monday, November 1st is All Saints Day, which is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be celebrated at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM. Tuesday, November 2 nd is All Souls Day Mass and will be celebrated at 9:00 AM. Please bring pictures of your loved ones to hold for a special Blessing. After Mass, all are invited to join Father Eliseus for a short service at the cemetery. Remember, to send your special All Souls Day Prayer Intentions to Katie at before October 29th. A customary $10 donation can be sent or hand-delivered directly to the Church office. All Souls Day Prayer Intentions will be placed on the altar during the All Souls Day Mass as we did last year. For those of you who have been asking, we will celebrate a Memorial Mass for Peggy Burke, During Daily Mass, on Monday, November 8 th at 8:00 AM. Peggy donated countless years to Blessed Sacrament. All are welcome to join us. Last Wednesday we had 23 people join us to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother for our United States, Afghanistan, and all countries around the world. Please consider joining us every Wednesday at 6:00 PM here at the Church. This Monday, October 25 th , there will not be an 8:00 AM daily Mass. The funeral for Gary Rossi will be at 10:00 AM on Monday, October 25 th . All of these Announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament website, on the door of the Church office, and on our bulletin board on the patio. Remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you at the end of Mass. Please see one of the Ushers if you would like to help us sanitize. Mass Intentions for The 30 th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The 30 th Sunday in Ordinary Time. For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord.
4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger, Rosalinda Rieva and Marvin Brumley
8:00 We Pray for Ralph A. Garcia, for a Happy Heavenly Birthday We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka and George Collard
10:30 We Pray for the people and children of Nigeria
Greeting for The Natigity of the Lord 25 26 Dec 2021
Greeting for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): At the Mass During the Day December 25th at 10:30 AM
Good morning and welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This morning we celebrate The Nativity of the Lord: At the Mass During the Day with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Our readings can be found on pages 36 to 39. The California Department of Public Health has new indoor mask recommendations for all indoor activities. Our Diocese will support the CDPH recommendations in order to protect the health and safety of our congregations during this liturgical season. We highly encourage all parishioners to wear masks inside the Church during this time, and comply with ushers who are coordinating social distancing protocols forseating in the pews.As always we continue to offer outdoor seating on our Patio if you are not comfortable with sitting inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. We appreciate your understanding and support during this time. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for The Third Sunday of Advent, Announcements for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) & The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph The Parish office will be closed from Thursday, December 24 th to Friday, January 31 st , resuming regular business hours Monday, January 3 rd . You may call the office to leave messages with your questions or needs and we will return your call as soon as possible. Father Eliseus will be traveling to Nigeria again this year. Father will be away from Monday, December 27 th to Thursday, January 27 th . While Father Eliseus is away we will celebrate Mass with Father Mike McCullough. Assigned, numbered Offertory envelopes for 2022 are now available. You may pick up your envelopes under the Usher table available at the back of the church. Holy Cards for the Consecration of the Holy Family, in English and Spanish, are available, in pews. We invite you to take one home with you. December 26th | 8:00 AM Mass ONLY: Cindy will be selling Scrip gift cards after this Mass. We have over a dozen different vendors to choose from such as Stater Bros., Walmart, Amazon, and gas cards. This is another way to help support your parish because, for each card you purchase, the church receives a percentage from that sale. Please see Cindy after Mass, and thank you for supporting Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. Our Blessed Sacrament Community continues to faithfully pray a Rosary for the conflict in countries around the world, especially Afghanistan. We hope that with an earlier start time, 4:30 PM, more of you are able to join us. We fervently invite you to join us in prayer every Wednesday at 4:30 PM, here in the Church. Father Eliseus is gifting each of us with beautiful pocket calendars for 2022. You may pick one up for your family as you exit the Church at the end of Mass. We thank you Father Eliseus. Please remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you at the end of Mass. Please see one of the Ushers if you would like to help us sanitize. MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR ass Intentions for The Third Sunday of Advent, Mass Intentions for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) &The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. Dec 4th 5:15PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger and Terry Stump We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka Dec 25 th 12:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Terry Stump Dec 25 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Terry Stump Dec 25 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Lorraine Candelaria Dec 26 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Terry Stump We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka Dec 26 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Michael Mosiniak
Greeting for the 28 th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 09 - 10 October 2021 Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate the 28 th Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 61 to 63. No Second Collection. Though it is not mandatory at this time, we continue to recommend wearing masks in Church. And we continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right ow. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for The 28 th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Ushers: No second collection. Are you interested in becoming a Lector? Blessed Sacrament is Blessed with incredible volunteers that lovingly donate their time to our Parish and its Ministries. Our team of Lectors is seeking volunteers with flexible availability that would like to join this remarkable Ministry. If you are interested contact Katie at 760-368-7902, and she will connect you with the Ministry leaders. Our Parish Office has new hours: Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM And closed Holidays and Weekends Wednesdays at 6:00 PM, here at the Church, we invite you to gather with us and Pray a Rosary for the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother. We thank those of you who continue to join us each week. Our country, Afghanistan, and countries around the world need the help of our Blessed Mother. History has shown us how powerful the intercession of Our Blessed Mother is. The Ushers will dismiss you from the back to the front at the end of Mass. If you would like to help us sanitize after Mass, please see one of the Ushers. All of these Announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament website, on the door of the Church office, and on our bulletin board on the patio. Mass Intentions for The 28 th Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. 4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: The Bowman Family and Robert and Frances Dehner 8:00 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Maggie ones, Shane Phipps and Dennis Bracamontes We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka 10:30 We Pray for the people and children of Nigeria.
Greeting for The Second Sunday of Advent, Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. 4 Dec 21, This weekend we celebrate The Second Sunday of Advent, with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. You may have noticed, the new Missals and Music Issues are now available in Pew Backs for the first time since 2020. We encourage you to use the sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer available to you at the entrance of the Church. If you choose, you may take a new Missal or Music Issue home with you, please label it, and bring it with you each week. Our Readings can be found on pages 19 to 21. Additionally, Prayers for the Four Sundays of Advent can be found in the Pew Backs, so you may follow along. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Though it is not mandatory at this time, we continue to recommend wearing masks in Church and we continue to offer seating on the Patio. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for The Second Sunday of Advent. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Wednesday, December 8 th is the feast of The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be celebrated at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM. The Mass Schedule for the upcoming Christmas Season is posted on the bulletin board on the patio and is printed inside the Blessed Sacrament Weekly Bulletin. Blank Offertory envelopes are now available for you, at the back of the Church. In an effort to optimize our accounting, we kindly ask that you include your weekly Offering in your assigned, numbered envelope. You can also provide your Offering in a blank Offertory envelope labeled with your assigned number. As always, we are incredibly grateful for your ongoing and generous gifts to Blessed Sacrament. Our Blessed Sacrament Community continues to faithfully pray a Rosary for the conflict in countries around the world, especially Afghanistan. We hope that with an earlier start time, 4:30 PM, more of you are able to join us. Last week, only 11 people were present. We fervently invite you to join us in prayer every Wednesday at 4:30 PM, here in the Church. The Lector Ministry is seeking volunteers from our beloved Parish to Proclaim the Word of God during Mass Celebrations. Men and women are encouraged to participate in this exceptional ministry. If you are interested in learning more or becoming a Lector, please contact Katie at and she will connect you with the Ministry Leader. Father Eliseus has decided we are not having a Penance Service again this year. Father Eliseus is encouraging everyone to come to confession on December 11 th or on December 18 th . Father is hearing confession every Saturday afternoon from 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM. Blessed Sacrament Altar Society, The Knights of Columbus, and Trail Life USA are currently fundraising beginning this weekend. The Altar Society and The Knights of Columbus are offering a variety of Christmas items for sale. Trail Life USA is selling Hybrid Lights again this year, including some new models and most are solar-powered. Each of the Ministries will be fundraising on scheduled weekends after Masses. For a full schedule of when you can shop and donate, see the bulletin board on the patio. 4:30 PM Mass: Today you can support the Knights of Columbus. All proceeds will be used to provide a take-away Christmas Eve Dinner, see Mark outside on the patio to donate or learn more. 8:00 AM Mass: Following this Mass, you can support the Altar Society. All proceeds support the many good works of the Altar Society, see Maureen outside on the patio to donate or learn more. 10:30 AM Mass: Following this Mass, you can support Trail Life USA. Trail Life USA is raising funds for their troop costs, see Leanne outside on the patio to donate or learn more. Saturday 4:30 PM Mass Only: This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our December Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available. Remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you at the end of Mass. Please see one of the Ushers if you would like to help us sanitize. Birthday & Anniversary Blessings Mass Intentions fom 4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger 8:00 We Pray for the Deceased Members of the Altar Society. We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Terry Stump We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka 10:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller
We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family
Greeting for The Third Sunday of Advent, 11 - 12 Dec 2021
Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Third Sunday of Advent and in a special way Our Lady of Guadalupe, with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Our community also recognizes a very special celebration with Father Eliseus. This weekend we are celebrating the 18 th Anniversary of his Ordination. 4:30 PM Mass Only: Our readings can be found on pages 25 to 27. 8:00 AM Mass Only: Our readings can be found on pages 25 to 27. The Second, this morning, will be in Spanish to honor Our Lady of Guadalupe. If you would like to follow along in Spanish, the Spanish reading can be found at the top of page 29, in the back of the Missal. 10:30 AM Mass Only: Our readings can be found on pages 25 to 27. Special Second Collection for Retirement Fund for Religious. Though it is not mandatory at this time, we continue to recommend wearing masks in Church and we continue to offer seating on the Patio. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for The Third Sunday of Advent Special Second Collection for Retirement Fund for Religious. All are welcome to join the Simban Gabi Novena which begins on Wednesday, December 15th, and concludes on Thursday, December 23rd. The conclusion of Simban Gabi is celebrated with a 6:00 PM Mass on Thursday, December 23rd. The Mass Schedule for the upcoming Christmas Season is posted on the bulletin board on the patio and is printed inside the Blessed Sacrament Weekly Bulletin. 4:30 PM Mass: Tomorrow, December 12 th , between the 8:00 AM and 10:30. AM Mass, Cindy will be selling Scrip Gift Cards. Please see Cindy to purchase. 8:00 AM Mass: Today, after Mass, Cindy will be selling Scrip Gift Cards. Please see Cindy to purchase. Blank Offertory envelopes are now available for you in the pews. In an effort to optimize our accounting, we kindly ask that you include your weekly Offering in your assigned, numbered envelope. You can also provide your Offering in a blank Offertory envelope with your assigned number. As always, we are incredibly grateful for your ongoing and generous gifts to Blessed Sacrament. The new Missals and Music Issues are now available in the pews. If you choose, you may take a new Missal or Music Issue home with you, put your name on it, and bring it with you each week. Our Blessed Sacrament Community continues to faithfully pray a Rosary for the conflict in countries around the world, especially Afghanistan. We hope that with an earlier start time, 4:30 PM, more of you are able to join us. We fervently invite you to join us in prayer every Wednesday at 4:30 PM, here in the Church. Mass Intentions for The Third Sunday of Advent, For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. 4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger We Pray in thanksgiving for Father Eliseus’s Priesthood 8:00 We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Terry Stump We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka We Pray in thanksgiving for Father Eliseus’s Priesthood 10:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Joan Miller and Micaela Martha Martinez We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family We Pray for Angelina Gonzalo Martinez We Pray for Healing for Jorge and Lola Sanchez We Pray in thanksgiving for Father Eliseus’s Priesthood
Greeting for the 23rd Sunday in ordinary Times. 04 - 05 Sept 2021
Greeting for the 23 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed
Sacrament Catholic Community Second Collection for Maintenance & Education. This weekend we celebrate the 23 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 50 to 52. Though it is not mandatory at this time, we continue to highly recommend wearing masks in Church. We continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. Remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Times. 04 - 05 September 21 Announcements for The 23 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. USHERS: Second Collection for Maintenance &Education. Since we are not able to share food that is not pre-wrapped, such as a birthday cake, for the next two weekends we have put a money tree here in honor of Father Eliseus’ 50 th Birthday. Happy Birthday, Father Eliseus! Beginning on Wednesday, September 8 th (Mother Mary's birthday) at 6:00 PM we are asking that as many people as possible join us at the Church to pray a Rosary together for the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother. Our country and certainly those in Afghanistan need the help of our Blessed Mother. We will continue to say a weekly Rosary together, Wednesdays at 6:00 PM, for as long as possible. History has shown us how powerful the intercession of Our Blessed Mother is. Trail Life USA has its kick-off event on September 12 th at 3:00 PM in the school Courtyard. All boys and their parents are welcome. The troop is open for boys in Kindergarten through 12 th grade. RCIA classes will begin on Monday, September 13 th . Faith Formation, for students Kindergarten through Confirmation classes, will begin Sunday, October 3 rd . Registration for students will continue after all Masses until September 19th, after that you may register by calling or visiting the office during the week. Please remember that we still have Scrip gift cards for sale at the Parish Office. We have over a dozen different vendors to choose from such as Staters, Walmart, Amazon, and gas cards. This is another way to help support your Parish because, for each card you purchase, the church receives a percentage from that sale. If you have questions, you can call the Parish Office at 760-367-3343. Thank you for supporting Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. :00 AM and 10:30 AM ONLY: After our announcements today, we will hear from Corinne Dobler who will be speaking to us regarding, Food for Life. Food for Life is revamping after being shut down due to COVID-19 and is seeking volunteers for the following positions: delivery driver, in-house servers, food preparation for distribution, and more. We ask thatyou prayerfully consider donating your time. The Ushers will dismiss you from the back to the front at the end of Mass. Those of you who would like to help us sanitize after Mass, please see one of the Ushers. All of these Announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament website, on the door of the Church office, and on our bulletin board on the patio. 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM: Please welcome Corinne Dobler. BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY BLESSINGS Mass Intentions for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Times. 04 - 05 Sept 21 Mass Intentions for The 23 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. :30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman and SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger e Pray for Birthday Blessings for Father Eliseus and Bill Dehner We Pray for the people and the children of Nigeria and Afghanistan 8:00 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Tony Benevente and Maggie Jones. We Pray for the deceased members of the Altar Society. We Pray for the Peace and Comfort of the Candelaria Family We Pray Birthday Blessings for Father Eliseus We Pray for the people and the children of Nigeria and Afghanistan 10:30 We Pray for the deceased members of the Altar Society. We Pray Birthday Blessings for Father Eliseus
We Pray for the people and the children of Nigeria and Afghanistan.
Greeting for The First Sunday of Advent 27 - 28 November 2021 Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed
Sacrament Catholic Community.This weekend we celebrate The First Sunday of Advent, with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. You may have noticed, the new Missals sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer available to you at the entrance of the Church. Our Readings can be found on pages 16 to 18. Additionally, Prayers for the Four Sundays of Advent can be found in the Pew Backs, so you may follow along. No Second Collection. Though it is not mandatory at this time, we continue to recommend wearing masks in Church and we continue to offer seating on the Patio. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for The First Sunday of Advent No Second Collection. We have quite a few dates to remind you of and to announce, remember all of these dates and the Announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament website, on the door of the Church office, and on our bulletin board on the patio. This coming Friday, December 3 rd , First Friday Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 AM. A Memorial Mass for Carolyn Basler will be celebrated on Saturday, December 4 th at the 4:30 PM Mass. The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Holy Day of Obligation, Mass will be celebrated Wednesday, December 8 th at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM. The Simban Gabi Novena begins on Wednesday, December 15 th, and concludes Thursday, December 23 rd . The conclusion of Simban Gabi is celebrated with a 6:00 PM Mass on December 23 rd . All are welcome to join. The Mass Schedules for the upcoming Christmas Season, are as follows: ● Christmas Eve (Friday, 12/24), Mass will be celebrated 5:15, PM, with a Midnight Mass at 12:00 AM. Unfortunately, there will be no reenactment this year. ● Christmas Day (Saturday, 12/25), Mass will be celebrated at 10:30 AM. There will be NO 8:00 AM Mass on this day. ● Also on Christmas Day (Saturday, 12/25), a Holy Family Vigil Mass will be celebrated at 4:30 PM. ● The Feast of the Holy Family will be celebrated at typical Mass times on Sunday, December 26 th , 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM. As we said at the start of the announcements, these are posted on the door of the church office, the Blessed Sacrament Website, the Bulletin Board on the Patio. Generic Offertory envelopes are now available for you, at the back of the Church. In an effort to optimize our accounting workstreams, we kindly ask that you include your weekly Offering in your typical numbered envelope. Alternatively, you may provide your Offering in a generic Offertory envelope labeled with your assigned number. As always, we are incredibly grateful for your ongoing and generous gifts to Blessed Sacrament. Our Blessed Sacrament Community continues to faithfully pray a Rosary for the conflict in countries around the world, especially Afghanistan. We are continually Blessed with all of the faithful participants that join us every Wednesday at 4:30 PM, here in the Church. Our talented team of Lectors is seeking volunteers from our beloved Parish to Proclaim the Word of God during Mass Celebrations. Lectors of all levels are encouraged to participate in this exceptional ministry. If you are interested in learning more or becoming a Lector, please contact Katie at and she will connect you with the Ministry Leaders. Finally, as we enter Advent and Christmas, Father would like to remind everyone that the schedule for Confession is Saturdays at 3:30 PM, and the location continues to be in the Hospitality Room. Remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you at the end of Mass. Please see one of the Ushers if you would like to help us sanitize. Mass Intentions for The First Sunday of Advent For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. 4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger, Justine Lavoile (love-wall) and Sharon O’Neill 8:00 We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Terry Stump We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka 10:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family
Greeting for the 32 nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. 06 - 07 November 2021
Greeting for the 32 nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate the 32 nd Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 71 to 73. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education.
Though it is not mandatory at this time, we continue to recommend wearing masks in Church. And we continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front.
Announcements for The 32 nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Announcements for The 32 nd Sunday in Ordinary Time The Ushers may come forward for Second Collection. During Daily Mass, This Monday, November 8 th at 8:00 AM, we will celebrate a Memorial Mass for Peggy Burke. Peggy donated countless years to Blessed Sacrament. All are welcome to join us. The conflict in countries around the world, and especially Afghanistan, calls for powerful Prayer through the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother. Please consider joining us to Pray a Rosary every Wednesday at 6:00 PM, here at the Church. Saturday 4:30 PM Mass Only: This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our November Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available. All of these Announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament website, on the door of the Church office, and on our bulletin board on the patio. Remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you at the end of ass. Please see one of the Ushers if you would like to help us sanitize. BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY BLESSINGS
Mass Intentions for The 32 nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The 32 nd Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord.
4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger
8:00 We Pray for the deceased members of the Altar Society
We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Terry Stump We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka
10:30 We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family
Greeting for the 27 th Sunday in Ordinary Time 02 - 03 October 2021
Greeting for the 27 th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate the 27 th Sunday in Ordinary Time and Respect Life Sunday with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 58 to 60. This weekend our second collection is for Maintenance and Education. Though it is not mandatory at this time, we continue to highly recommend wearing masks in Church. And we continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for The 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Announcements for The 27 th Sunday in Ordinary Time The ushers may come forward for the second collection. Today is Respect Life Sunday and every October, we celebrate Respect Life Month. We consider more deeply why every human life is valuable and reflect on how to build a culture that protects it. To view resources, prayer cards, and more, visit ( and click the link for Respect Life Month. We invite you to join us at the Church, weekly on Wednesdays at 6:00 PM, to pray a Rosary together for the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother. We want to thank those of you who have joined us, and we encourage you to continue to join us each week. Our country and certainly those in Afghanistan need the help of our Blessed Mother. History has shown us how powerful the intercession of Our Blessed Mother is. Saturday 4:30 PM Mass Only: This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is vailable in honor of our October Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available. The Ushers will dismiss you from the back to the front at the end of Mass. Those of you who would like to help us sanitize after Mass, please see one of the Ushers. All of these Announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament website, on the door of the Church office, and on our bulletin board on the patio. Birthday and Anniversary Blessings. Mass Intentions for The 27 th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The 27 th Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord.
4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, Alfred Bernard and Peggy Burke We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Chuck Dehner 8:00 We Pray for the Deceased Members of the Altar Society We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Flo and Stan Andreshak, Maggie Jones, Alfred Bernard and Peggy Burke We Pray for Healing for: Mary Nishioka, Terry Burdette, George Collard, Cindy Minarik and Genevieve Candelaria
10:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Alfred Bernard and Peggy Burke
Greeting for the 33 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. 13 - 14 November 2021
Greeting for the 33 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed
Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate the 33 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 73 to 75. No Second Collection. Though it is not mandatory at this time, we continue to recommend wearing masks in Church. And we continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front.
Announcements for The 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Announcements for The 33 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection. For all Faith Formation Students, there will be no classes on November 14th and 21st. Classes will resume on November 28 th . The conflict in countries around the world, and especially Afghanistan, calls for powerful Prayer through the Intercession of
Our Blessed Mother. Please consider joining us to Pray a Rosary every Wednesday at 6:00 PM, here at the Church. The Announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament website, on the door of the Church office, and on our bulletin board on the patio. Remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you at the end of Mass. Please see one of the Ushers if you would like to help us sanitize.
Mass Intentions for The 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time , Mass Intentions for The 33 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. 4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger We Pray for Healing for Cindy Minarik
8:00 We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Terry Stump We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka and Cindy Minarik
10:30 We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family We Pray for the Ogaldez family We Pray for Healing for Cindy Minarik
Greeting for the 31 th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 30 - 31 October 2021
Greeting for the 31 st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed
Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate the 31 st Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant
Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 67 to 69. No Second Collection. Though it is not mandatory at this time, we continue to recommend wearing masks in Church. And we continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Remember
that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for The 31 th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Announcements for The 31 st Sunday in Ordinary Time, No Second Collection. This Monday, November 1 st , is All Saints Day. Masses will be celebrated at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM. November 2 nd , this Tuesday, is All Souls Day Mass and will be celebrated at 9:00 AM. Please bring pictures of your loved ones to hold for a special Blessing. After Mass, all are invited to join Father Eliseus for a short service at the cemetery. You may send your special All Souls Day Prayer Intentions to Katie at A customary $10 donation can be sent or hand-delivered directly to the Church office. All Souls Day Prayer Intentions will be placed on the altar during the All Souls Day Mass, as we did last year. On November 5 th , this coming Friday, First Friday Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 AM. For those of you who have been asking, we will celebrate a Memorial Mass for Peggy Burke, During Daily Mass, on Monday, November 8 th at 8:00 AM. Peggy donated countless years to Blessed Sacrament. All are welcome to join us. The conflict in countries around the world, and especially Afghanistan, calls for powerful Prayer through the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother. Please consider joining us to Pray a Rosary every Wednesday at 6:00 PM, here at the Church. All of these Announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament website, on the door of the Church office, and on our bulletin board on the patio. Remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you at the end of Mass. Please see one of the Ushers if you would like to help us sanitize. Mass Intentions for The 31 th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The 31 st Sunday in Ordinary Time, For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. 4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger We Pray for Healing for Jared Dehner and George Collard. We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Jesse M. Kelly Martinez :00 We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka and George Collard 10:30 We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family We Pray for Healing for George Collard
Greeting for the 29 th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 16 - 17 October 2021
Greeting for the 29 th Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate the 29 th Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. If you have a Missal, our Readings can be found on pages 63 to 65. Second Collection DDF. Though it is not mandatory at this time, we continue to recommend wearing masks in Church. And we continue to have seating on the patio for those of us who are not comfortable with being inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. hose of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for The 29 th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Announcements for The 29 th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The ushers may come forward for the second collection for DDF. The Adult Choir will be returning to sing on Sundays at the 10:30 AM Mass and on Holy Days. Their first rehearsal will be Monday, October 25 th in the Church at 7:00 PM. Please join us to sing God’s Praises. If you have questions please call Cindy Minarik at 760-985-4000 or the Parish Office at 760-367-3343. For World Mission Sunday, next weekend, October 24 th , our Parish will have a special second collection. This collection is for the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, which supports the work and witness of he Mission Church. Please see an Usher for an envelope to prayerfully contribute a donation. Monday, November 1st is All Saints Day, which is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be celebrated at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM. Tuesday, November 2nd, All Souls Day Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 AM. Please bring pictures of your loved ones to hold for a special Blessing. After Mass, there will be a short service at the cemetery with Father Eliseus, and all are invited to join. Additionally, if you would like to include special All Souls Prayer Intentions for this Mass, please send your intentions to Katie at before October 29th. A customary $10 donation can be sent or hand-delivered directly to the Church office. All Souls Day Prayer Intentions will be placed on the altar during the All Souls Day Mass. Wednesdays at 6:00 PM, here at the Church, we extend an urgent invitation for you to gather with us and Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother. We pray for our United States, Afghanistan, and all countries around the world that need the help of our Blessed Mother. History has shown us how powerful the intercession of Our Blessed Mother is. Are you interested in becoming a Lector? Blessed Sacrament is Blessed with incredible volunteers that lovingly donate their time to our Parish and its Ministries. Our team of Lectors is seeking volunteers with flexible availability that would like to join this remarkable Ministry. If you are interested, contact Katie at 760-368-7902, and she will connect you with the Ministry leaders. Our Parish Office has new hours: Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Closed Holidays and Weekends The new office hours are posted on the door of the Church office, and on the Blessed Sacrament website. The Ushers will dismiss you from the back to the front at the end of Mass. If you would like to help us sanitize after Mass, please see one of the Ushers. All of these Announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament website, on the door of the Church office, and on our bulletin board on the patio. Mass Intentions for The 29 th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The 29 th Sunday in Ordinary Time. For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. 4:30 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger, Ed Sechrest and Gary Rossi 8:00 We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Maggie Jones, Gary Rossi and Dennis Bracamontes We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka 10:30 We Pray for the Repose of the soul of Monent Melvin