Catechist for 2020 - 2021

First Reconciliation - Robert Bowman

                                             Shannon Limon

First Communion   -   Ashley Aguilar

First Year Confirmation - Phillip Limon

Second Year Confirmation - Leanna Duncan


RCIC - Elaine Ashfield

RCIA - Elaine Ashfield

Please contact the parish office for more information.  760-367-3343

Thank you

Elaine Ashfield 

Coordinator of Catechetical Ministry

             Faith Formation 2020 - 2021  (during the pandemic)

Our Faith Formation program has changed this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.   We are only providing Sacrament classes.  This includes: First Reconciliation for 1st Graders, First Communion for 2nd Graders, First year and Second year Confirmation for High School students.  

If your child HAS NOT been baptized and is 7 years old or older, we have a RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children) class.

If your child HAS been baptized but has not received Reconciliation or Communion and is over the age of 7, they can attend the regular Sacrament classes.  

Any adult can attend RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults).  If you are not Catholic and want to know more about the faith, if you are a baptized Catholic but still need other Sacraments, or if you are a Catholic and want to learn more about your faith or refresh your catechism, RCIA is for you!!

The Catechetical Ministry of Blessed Sacrament Parish encompasses religious education, sacrament preparation and Faith Formation.  We offer youth an opportunity to learn and grow in their Catholic faith, within the parish community.  Through the sharing of our faith, church traditions and teachings, we aim to form a mature faith life that will sustain individuals along their lifelong faith journey.   We strive to enrich their experience of God through the sharing of our own unique faith stories, as well as those of our ancestors in Scripture and history.  By breaking open and understandng those God moments, we will help the youth recognize the God who has always existed in their life.  


                                                                          PERSONNEL  During normal times

Fr. Eliseus Uju                                                 Administrator

Elaine Ashfield                                                Coordinaor of Catechetical Ministry

Elaine Ashfield                                                Coordinator Grades Pre K thru Confirmation

Robert Bowman III                                       1st Reconciliation Coordinator

Ashley Aguliar                                                1st Communion Coordinator

Terry Burdett                                                  Confirmation Retreat Coordinator   


                                         RCIA                                                                                                                      RCIA FOR CHILDREN

Leanne Duncan, Elaine Ashfield             Facilitators                                                         Astrid Johnson,  Estela  Thompson  -  Facilitators

Elaine Ashfield                                               Coordinator                                                       Elaine Ashfield                                               Coordinator